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Počet tiketů v Betmagnetu: | |
Dnes (2024-09-16): | 0 |
Včera (2024-09-15): | 201 |
Tento měsíc (2024-09): | 1 339 |
Minulý měsíc (2024-08): | 952 |
Celkem: | 1 259 419 |
Stačí kliknout na (přidat příležitost) nebo (přidat kopii) vedle příležitosti a přidá se další řádek pro novou příležitost. Automaticky se také objeví pole pro zadání částek vsazených na ako a kombi (systém). Na jednom tiketu může být až 12 příležitostí.
1 AUD | = | 0.605 EUR |
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1 MYR | = | 0.210 EUR |
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1 SGD | = | 0.695 EUR |
1 THB | = | 0.027 EUR |
1 TRY | = | 0.027 EUR |
1 USD | = | 0.902 EUR |
1 ZAR | = | 0.051 EUR |
In the 21st century, sports betting is considered a great investment option. But in order to stay ahead of the competition, you need to stay up-to-date in this ever-changing field. You can always visit to know about the happening affairs of the sports betting landscape. Let’s have a look at some of the betting trends in 2019.
You no longer have to go to Las Vegas to enjoy betting, thanks to the changing regulations in USA. Recently US Supreme Court has discarded the law of 1992 which impeded sports betting in most of the states of USA, you can now enjoy sports betting in a number of states. You don’t need to go to Las Vegas, Nevada to play sports betting as it is allowed and fully legalized in most areas of America, which is great news for betting lovers. You can check ESPN Sports Betting Bill Tracker to find where each state stands in the world of sports betting. Because of this deregulation, we can expect the betting market to become even more efficient. The growth rate of sports betting is also expected to increase in the coming year.
We can rely on the big data for a lot of information about a particular athlete and how the games are lost or won. Sports analytics have a lot to give credit to. For example, in tennis, Tennis Analytics can predict closely what a player is most likely to do based on a number of different factors. Similarly, big data is making its way to the sports betting at a very fast pace. Prediction models are already available in the market that can affect betting. It gives clues to when and how much to bet. However, the human input is still worth considering here so we cannot expect the betting to go fully digital in the coming years.
In 2019, the trend is shifting from arbitrage to value betting. Arbitrage betting is a system in which the bettor can place a number of bets to maximize the chances of profits no matter what the outcome is. However, in value betting, you only place a bet when there is a gap between the odds you calculated and the odds which are provided by the bookmakers. The volatility of the return increases while rewarding the bettor with the extra risk he is exposed to in value betting.
Vše | Celkem tiketů | Zisk | |
1. | SirRainmaker | 19 | +100.29% |
2. | Scriber739 | 157 | +46.29% |
3. | Hody17 | 224 | +33.67% |
Tento rok (2024) | Celkem tiketů | Zisk |
Minulý rok (2023) | Celkem tiketů | Zisk |
Tento měsíc (2024-09) | Celkem tiketů | Zisk |
Minulý měsíc (2024-08) | Celkem tiketů | Zisk |
#1356801 N [C]
kevinbellop 5/12 16:37 Sólo | Bet365 kurz: 1.380 100.00 USD otevřený |
Arsenal +0.5, Holding +0.5, Wolves +0.5
| |
#1278734 [C]
taktik85 23/9 18:06 Sólo | Fortuna kurz: 1.600 1.00 EUR otevřený |
Philadelphia - Atlanta 1
| |
#1278466 [C]
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Johnson Steve - Tabilo A. 1
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#1278465 [C]
taktik85 21/9 19:01 Sólo | Fortuna kurz: 1.780 1.00 EUR prohra |
Oliveira G. - Blanchet U. 2
| |
#1278464 [C]
taktik85 21/9 18:57 Sólo | Fortuna kurz: 1.820 1.00 EUR prohra |
Tampa Bay - Houston 1 |