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Wettscheine im Betmagnet:
Heute (2025-01-21):6
Gestern (2025-01-20):94
Dieser Monat (2025-01):1 969
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Woher stammen die Wechselkursen?

Seit dem 25. August 2016 benutzen wir die Wechselkursen von der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB) und anderen zuverlässigen Quellen durch Vorher benutzten wir den Wechselkurs Devisen-Mitte von der Bank ČSOB.

Andere Fragen...

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1 THB=0.028 EUR
1 TRY=0.027 EUR
1 USD=0.969 EUR
1 ZAR=0.052 EUR

2025-01-20 23:21:00
Neuigkeiten: | Alles | Betmagnet | Wetten |
Sportwetten-NeuigkeitenThe COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on various industries worldwide, and the iGaming sector was no exception. With people confined to their homes due to lockdowns and social distancing measures, online gaming experienced a surge in popularity. As restrictions forced individuals to adapt to a new way of living, their entertainment choices also underwent significant changes. In this article, we'll explore how the pandemic permanently shifted iGaming user behaviour and examine the key trends that emerged during this transformative period.
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Betmagnet: Leading the way in online bet tracking
Betmagnet serves real bettors from all around the world who are serious about their wagering. Want to approach them with your ad? Contact us...

(Neu auf Betmagnet, 2021-03-30)
Neu auf BetmagnetDear users, today it is exactly 10 years since we launched Betmagnet to the public. During that time, you have recorded over a million tickets with us at various bookmakers in dozens of different currencies. Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to the second decade of Betmagnet with you!
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(Neu auf Betmagnet, 2021-02-22)
Neu auf BetmagnetIn view of the skyrocketing price of Bitcoin, we have decided to increase the permitted number of decimal places for monetary amounts on Betmagnet from 3 to 5.
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Sportwetten-NeuigkeitenBien sea que seas fanático de cualquier de los deportes que listamos a continuación, o que sencillamente busques una manera de ganar dinero tratando de vaticinar quién será el ganador de una competición, te explicamos brevemente en qué consisten estas disciplinas.
Mehr... | Diskussion: 1 Einträge (der neueste: 2021-05-01 10:25:43)

Sportwetten-NeuigkeitenOnline slots have become rather popular among internet bettors. The choice is quite diverse and the number of available games is so huge that you can easily become overwhelmed. Luckily for you, we’ve come up with some useful tips that will help you find your way around. By narrowing down the choices, you will be able to select a slot game that suits you best.
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Sportwetten-NeuigkeitenOne would think that having a lot of options is a good thing. However, it is more often the case that the inverse of this is true — having too many choices causes indecisiveness. This has become a common thing in the world of iGaming, as we’ve reached a point where a thousand betting websites offer their services and claim they have exactly what we need. In case you have no idea where to start and how to find a betting site worth your while, read this guide and clear all your doubts!
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Sportwetten-NeuigkeitenIf you love visiting casinos then you might not see the point in playing with an online casino. After all, you’re able to play pretty much any games you want in person, right? This is not always the case and sometimes online casinos can give you a much more pleasant experience. If you want to find out more then take a look below.
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(Neu auf Betmagnet, 2019-09-22)
Neu auf BetmagnetAlthough sports betting is not a tough thing to get started with but mastering it is not easy. You have to learn the tips and tricks and various strategies to turn your occasional wins into a continuous loop of profits. Learning the basics and earning profits every now and then is okay but it’s time to learn how you can maximize your profits in sports betting.
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Sportwetten-NeuigkeitenValue betting is certainly not a new term in the world of sports betting, but the recent shift in the trends of 2019 is putting a great emphasis on value betting. Where arbitrage betting was in focus in the past, value betting has become the latest craze of the modern world. Therefore if you want to earn serious profits in sports betting, you need to have in-depth knowledge of value betting.
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Sportwetten-NeuigkeitenBetting is becoming harder and harder day by day because of the increasing competition in the world of betting. Value bets are needed in order to stay ahead of the competition and searching for the value bets in the long list of sports, well that isn’t easy as well. Even if you did manage to find good software that provides you with a list of value bets, there is a still a number of steps that you have to perform to place your bet. First of all, you physically have to be on the system when the value bet appears. Next you have to see the value bet, log into your account, go to the bookmaker’s website to find the value bet. Finally you need to decide the stake you want to place on the bet and then actually placing it.
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1.  SirRainmaker 19 +100.29%
2.  Scriber739 157 +46.29%
3.  Hody17 224 +33.67%
Dieses Jahr (2025)WettscheineBilanz
Letztes Jahr (2024)WettscheineBilanz
Dieser Monat (2025-01)WettscheineBilanz
Letzter Monat (2024-12)WettscheineBilanz


#1356801 N [C]
5/12 16:37
Quote: 1.380
100.00 USD
Arsenal +0.5, Holding +0.5, Wolves +0.5
#1245266 [C]
13/4 15:59
Quote: 17.000
100.00 EUR
Derek & Joan Bell vrs Dr Gilmore
#1208403 [C]
12/10 07:44
Quote: 1.610
300.00 NZD
Real Esteli (Women) - Uam (Women) 4 Quarter
#1208402 [C]
12/10 07:43
Quote: 1.640
300.00 NZD
Manquehue U23 - Universidade Catolica U23 4 Quarter
#1208401 [C]
12/10 07:42
Quote: 1.580
300.00 NZD
Atletico Nacional Panama - Caballos de Cocle 4 Quarter


Wettbüro des Tages: Pinnacle
Meinung von Betmagnet: Arguably the best sportsbook for a serious player. Pinnacle has the highest odds on the market and never discriminates a winning player in any way which is unique. The offer is very wide with high limits (up to tens of thousands of dollars) on traditional and big competitions (NHL, NBA, MLB, NFL etc.). Perhaps the only disadvantages are lower limits on marginal competitions and the limited possibility for parlay and system bets.

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